Flow and the Prize Wheel 101

caden_profile_127x188.pngYou probably already know all about me 'cause my highest scores are LEGENDARY, but I'm Caden.  The Caden.  And I'm here to tell you all about games and winning stuff.

It's really simple. You play games, you get prizes. For example, I play amazingly, so I win amazing prizes. The more I play, the more I win. I play all the time so I win everything.

When you're playing a game or doing anything cool in ourWorld, you're gaining Flow.  There's this Flow Meter thing at the bottom of your screen.  The Flow Meter fills up as you play.


The more amazing you are- and by that I mean the more like me you are- the faster it'll fill up. When it fills up all the way, the number of Flow goes up, telling you how much Flow you have.


Your Flow lets you win stuff off the Wheel.  To spin the Wheel, just click on the center of your Flow Meter and it'll pop up.  Each spin either gets you a prize or coins to buy stuff from the store. Great, huh?


Aside from this sort of stuff, I'll also be keeping you updated on the newest games and how great I've been doing at them.

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